Among ali between? Kaj je prav?

Angleščina – vaje so zbirka pogostih napak, ki jih delamo, ko govorimo ali pišemo v angleščini. Bo prav among ali between?

Katera oblika je pravilna?

Primer 1:

  • Our holiday house is in the countryside among the mountains and the sea.
  • Our holiday house is in the countryside between the mountains and the sea.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.


  • Our holiday house is in the countryside between the mountains and the sea.

Between pomeni »med dvema« in jasno ločuje ljudi ali stvari.

  • She was standing between Joe and John.
  • His house is between the wood, the river and the village.

Primer 2:

  • Our holiday house is in the countryside among the trees.
  • Our holiday house is in the countryside between the trees.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.


  • Our holiday house is in the countryside among the trees.

Among uporabljamo, ko je nekaj ali nekdo v skupini ali množici.

  • She was standing among a bunch of toys.
  • His house is hidden among the trees.

Angleščina – vaje za suvereno izražanje

Angleščina – vaje nam pomagajo do boljše komunikacije v angleščini.

Imate vprašanja o tečaju angleščine, vas zanima več?

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