Antique, vintage ali retro? Kaj je prav?

Vaje za angleščino vodijo k boljšemu znanju in samozavestnejšemu izražanju v angleščini. 5 minut vaj lahko na dolgi rok konkretno pripomore k uspehu. Je prav antique, vintage ali retro?

Katera oblika je pravilna?

Primer 1:

  • This beautiful vintage lamp was made in ancient Greece.
  • This beautiful antique lamp was made in ancient Greece.
  • This beautiful retro lamp was made in ancient Greece.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.

  • This beautiful antique lamp was made in ancient Greece.
Antique is used to describe things of considerable age which are usually very valuable.

Primer 2:

  • He bought a vintage car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
  • He bought an antique car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
  • He bought an retro car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.

  • He bought a vintage car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.

Vintage is used to describe things which are of lasting interest and importance, classic and usually made in the 20th century.

Primer 3:

  • It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a vintage look to it.
  • It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a antique look to it.
  • It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a retro look to it.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.

  • It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a retro look to it.

Retro refers to things created to look as though they are from the recent past.

Vaje za angleščino za samozavestnejše izražanje

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