Lie or lay? Katero obliko izbrati?

Vaje za angleščino so najboljši način, kako izboljšati svoje znanje slovnice in besedišča. Are you going to lie or lay on the beach this summer?

Glagola lie in lay včasih zamenjajo tudi naravni govorci angleščine. Ali ju znate pravilno uporabiti? Tečaj angleščine vam bo pomagal usvojiti nove strukture in osvežiti, kar ste že znali.

Katera oblika je pravilna?

Primer 1:

  • I don’t feel well. Can I lay down for a moment?
  • I don’t feel well. Can I lie down for a moment?
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.

  •  I don’t feel well. Can I lie down for a moment?
Glagol lay pomeni nekaj položiti, izleči. Vedno mu sledi predmet (lay the book on the table, lay my head down). Njegova nepravilna oblika za Past Simple in Present Perfect je laid. Primeri:

  • Present Simple: Birds lay eggs.
  • Past Simple: Our chicken laid eggs yesterday.
  • Present Perfect: Birds have lain eggs.
  • Present Continuous: Look at the birds over there. They are laying eggs.

Primer 2:

  • Please lie the book on the upper shelf.
  • Please lay the book on the upper shelf.
Kliknite za pravilen odgovor.

  • Please lay the book on the upper shelf.
Glagol lie pomeni ležati in se uporablja za osebe in živali. Ob sebi ne more imeti predmeta in njegovi nepravilni obliki za Past Simple in Present Perfect sta lay in lain. Primeri:

  • Present Simple: I lie on the sofa and watch TV every evening. 
  • Past Simple: I lay on the sofa and watched TV last night.
  • Present Perfect: I have lain on the sofa and watched TV since the news started.
  • Past Continuous: I was lying on the sofa and watching TV when I heard the noise.

Vaje za angleščino za suvereno izražanje

Vaje za angleščino nas vodijo k samozavestnemu izražanju v angleščini.

Imate vprašanja o tečaju angleščine, vas zanima več?

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