Pogoste napake v poslovni angleščini

Angleščina – vaje je zbirka najpogostejših napak, ki jih delamo v angleščini. Poslovna angleščina zajema vrsto fraz in najbolje je, da si jih preprosto zapomnimo v stavku. Zbrali smo nekaj najpogostejših napak, ki jih Slovenci delamo v angleščini. Preverite, ali uporabljate pravi izraz.

Preverite, ali uporabljate prave poslovne izraze.

To discuss something/to discuss about

  1. We will discuss about this matter after you return from your business trip.
  2. We will discuss this matter after you return from your business trip.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: We will discuss this matter after you return from your business trip.

♦ Glagol discuss je brez predloga. Lahko rečemo to talk about politics, kar pomeni enako kot discuss politics.

At/on the meeting

  1. We covered a lot of important issues on the meeting yesterday.
  2. We covered a lot of important issues at the meeting yesterday.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: We covered a lot of important issues at the meeting yesterday.

♦ V slovenščini rečemo »na sestanku«, v angleščini pa se uporablja at the meeting.

That versus those

  1. We had to go over that problems last week.
  2. We had to go over those problems last week.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: We had to go over those problems last week.

♦ That se uporablja za samostalnike v ednini, those pa za samostalnike v množini. Problems je množinska oblika, zato pred njo stoji those.

Another versus other

  1. You can’t get this service at another banks.
  2. You can’t get this service at other banks.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: You can’t get this service at other banks.

♦ Besedi another vedno sledi samostalnik v ednini, besedi other pa samostalnik v množini.

A good offer

  1. This is very good offer.
  2. This is a very good offer.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: This is a very good offer.

♦ Vsak samostalnik v ednini mora imeti nedoločni ali določni člen (a/an ali the), četudi pred njim stoji pridevnik.

Such a problems versus such a problem

  1. We dealt with such a problems five years ago.
  2. We dealt with such problems five years ago.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: We dealt with such problems five years ago.

♦ Problems je samostalnik v množini, zato pred njim ne sme stati nedoločni člen a.

Could have told

  1. You could have told me before.
  2. You could told me before.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: You could have told me before.

♦ Za izražanje verjetnosti preteklih dejanj uporabimo modalni glagol (could/can/must) + have + past participle.

Must versus had to

  1. Last week we must sent an email regarding interest rates to all corporate customers.
  2. Last week we had to send an email regarding interest rates to all corporate customers.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO: Last week we had to send an email regarding interest rates to all corporate customers.

♦ Must se v preteklem času spremeni v had to.

Information or informations

  1. Thank you for sending us all the necessary information about your current account.
  2. Thank you for sending us all the necessary informations about your current account.
Kliknite tu za pravilen odgovor.

PRAVILNO:Thank you for sending us all the necessary information about your current account.

♦ Information je neštevni samostalnik, kar pomeni, da ga ne moremo dati v množinsko obliko.

Potrebuje vaša angleščina še več utrjevanja? Več vaj je dostopnih tukaj.

Angleščina – vaje za samozavestnejše izražanje

Angleščina – vaje nam pomagajo do suverenega izražanja v angleščini.

Imate vprašanja o tečaju angleščine, vas zanima več?

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